Untitled (from the Greenhouses series)
1999, lightbox, 55 × 80 cm
Untitled (from the Greenhouses series)
1999, lightbox, 55 × 80 cm
Untitled (from the Greenhouses series)
1999, lightbox, 55 × 80 cm
Untitled (from the Greenhouses series)
1999, lightbox, 55 × 80 cm
Untitled (from the Greenhouses series)
1999, lightbox, 55 × 80 cm
Untitled (from the Greenhouses series)
1999, lightbox, 55 × 80 cm
Untitled (from the Greenhouses series)
1999, lightbox, 55 × 80 cm
Untitled (from the Greenhouses series)
1999, lightbox, 55 × 80 cm